Salary scan and salary check
If you’re looking for assurance about the quality of your payroll, or you would like to upgrade it, then your organisation will benefit from a salary scan. Our payroll professionals can carry out a salary scan as a one-off exercise, or periodically, for example at mid-year or after the year-end transition. We check for you whether the laws and regulations governing salary changes, claims and payroll processing are correctly applied and that there are no inexplicable discrepancies. We can also give you tips and advice about how to improve your HR and salary administration. We will agree and demarcate the scope, extent and nature of the salary scan with you beforehand so that we can meet your expectations.
Our salary scan
Together with our accountants, our payroll specialists have developed several payroll scans that give you insight into the correctness and reliability of your HR and salary administration. A scan provides you with security and the assurance that your payroll matters are in good order.