Higlighted insights
const queryString = new URLSearchParams(new FormData($refs.filter)).toString()
const overviewID = 'inzichten-overview';
fetch('?' + queryString)
.then(response => response.text())
.then(data => {
let parser = new DOMParser();
let doc = parser.parseFromString(data, 'text/html')
let content = doc.querySelector('#' + overviewID).innerHTML;
document.querySelector('#' + overviewID).innerHTML = content;
history.replaceState(null, null, '?' + queryString);
.catch(error => console.error('Error: ', error))
.finally(() => {
February 06, 2019
Chain transactions, VAT and excise duty regulation
January 31, 2019
Baker Tilly assists Eden Hotels: Hard Rock Hotel Amsterdam American
January 29, 2019
Baker Tilly International Global Revenues 2018: US$3.6bn
December 05, 2018
Increase in the reduced VAT rate from 6% to 9% effective 1 January 2019
November 02, 2018
Reduction of the duration of the 30%-ruling per January 1st, 2019
November 02, 2018
Webinar 'Reduction of the duration of the 30%-ruling'
June 19, 2018
Dutch fiscal unity regime amended: decision of ECJ has a large impact on the fiscal unity regime
June 19, 2018
Mandatory disclosure of information to Tax Authorities about cross-border tax arrangements
June 08, 2018
Emergency repair measures fiscal unity sent to Parliament. Possible increase of taxation, retroactive from October 25th, 2017